, pub-0924568169165276, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-0924568169165276, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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"MECHIES" Blinged Rose Floral boxes are artificial roses that will last forever. Flower boxes are scented and roses are NOT REMOVABLE. NOTE: Trying to remove them will ruin box. If you are sensitive to fragrances please CONTACT ME and I can make a unscented floral box for you.
"MILLION ROSE" Boxes you must pre-purchase and ship to me.
If you prefer I purchase arrangement, Price of arrangement will be added to invoice plus shipping fee.
NOTE: Shipping arrangement from company to my P.O.Box will take longer and have delays if you pre-purchase and ship to me. Price for blinging box may vary depending on size of arrangement. If arrangement isn't the same as pre-order listed please CONTACT ME so I can create invoicing for you.
bottom of page, pub-0924568169165276, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0